采用红外热波成像技术分别对二维叠层C/SiC(2D C/SiC)复合材料的无SiC涂层盲孔试样和有SiC涂层的三点弯曲强度试样的氧化损伤进行无损检测。分析了材料氧化损伤与热辐射强度信号之间的关系,以及热扩散系数与材料密度、抗弯强度之间的关系,探索了采用红外热波成像检测和评价2D C/SiC氧化损伤的可行性。检测结果表明:红外热波成像可以直观地反映2D C/SiC复合材料的氧化损伤。2D C/SiC氧化后的密度随热扩散系数的减小呈对数降低,其抗弯强度随热扩散系数的减小呈抛物线降低。由此得出,热扩散系数可以作为衡量陶瓷基复合材料的氧化损伤程度的依据,红外热波成像是一种无损检测陶瓷基复合材料氧化损伤的有效方法。
In order to explore the feasibility for testing and evaluating oxidative damages in 2D C/SiC composite by thermography,the oxidative damages of 2D C/SiC samples with a blind hole without SiC coatings and three point bending 2D C/SiC samples with SiC coatings were investigated by means of thermography.The relationship between the thermography signal and the oxidative damage was analyzed,and the relationship between the thermal diffusivity and the density as well as the relationship between the thermal diffusivity and the bending strength were established.The results show that the oxidative damage can be visually recognized by thermography.The density of C/SiC logarithmically reduces with the decrease of the thermal diffusivity,and the bending strength parabolically decrease with the decrease of thermal diffusivity.The thermal diffusivity can measure the degree of oxidative damages of the ceramic matrix composite and thermography is an effective method of non-destructive testing of oxidation damage in the ceramic matrix composite.
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