为了探讨2-巯基苯并噻唑(MBT)的生物降解性,借鉴浮选捕收剂等有机物的生物降解性评价体系,分别采用静置烧瓶筛选试验法、震荡培养法(GB/T 15818-2006)、改良斯特姆法(OECD-301B)3种评价方法首次对MBT的生物降解性进行探讨.结果表明:在静置烧瓶筛选试验法中,MBT在第4周期的生物降解度为4.68%;在震荡培养法中,MBT的8d生物降解度为28.9%;在改良斯特姆法中,MBT的生物降解性指数IB为77.07,相对降解度(DRBD)为35.49%.这3种评价方法得出的结论一致表明MBT属于难生物降解有机物,对微生物有一定毒害作用,抑制微生物的生长.本研究可为MBT的环境行为以及含MBT废水的生物处理技术提供基础资料.
The biodegradability of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) was evaluated by the methods of static flask screening tests,oscillating culture method(GB/T 15818-2006) and modified Sturm test (OECD-301B) according to the testing standard for biodegradability of flotation reagents and other organic compounds.The results show that the removal rate of MBT is 4.68% in the forth cycle in the static flask screening tests.In oscillating culture method,the removal rate of MBT is 28.9% in 8 days.The biodegradability index (IB) of MBT is 77.07 and the relative degradation degree (DRBD) is 35.49% in the modified Sturm test.All the results indicate that MBT is a refractory biodegradable organic matter,which has certain toxicity to microorganisms and can inhibit the growth of microorganisms.The results of this study can provide a basis for the environmental behavior and the biological treatment technology of wastewater which contains MBT.
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