为综合利用固体废弃物铁尾矿,以山西灵丘低硅铁尾矿作为主要原料,铝粉作为发气剂,成功制备出了符合GB/T11968—2006标准的A3.5、B06级加气混凝土.考虑最大限度使用铁尾矿的情况下,通过试验得出生产铁尾矿加气混凝土的优化方案:尾矿粉磨时间25 min,硅砂粉磨时间为30 min,配料质量比为m(铁尾矿)∶m(硅砂)∶m(石灰)∶m(水泥)∶m(脱硫石膏)为40∶20∶24∶10∶6.由X射线衍射测试分析可知,成品中主要的矿物成分为托贝莫来石,此外还有硬石膏和尾矿中残留的石英等.扫描电镜和能谱分析结果显示,成品中形成C-S-H凝胶和托贝莫来石相互致密交织的显微结构,这是加气混凝土获得较高强度的重要原因.
For comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings,the aerated concrete was successfully prepared by Shanxi Lingqiu low-silica iron ore tailings as the main raw material and aluminum powder as gas evolution agent,which is in line with GB/T11968—2006 of the A3.5 B06-class.In the case of the maximize use of iron ore tailings,the optimized plan of aerated concrete production was that the iron ore tailings grinding time was 25 min,silica sand grinding time was 30 min,burdening mass ratio of iron ore tailings,silica sand,lime cement and gypsum was 40∶ 20∶ 24∶ 10∶ 6.The major mineral phases in the aerated concrete product were tobermorite with residue quartz and anhydrite.SEM and EDS results showed that the finished product to form bense microstructure by C-S-H gel and tobermorite,it was important reason that aerated concrete obtained high strength.
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