Zinc flakes were prepared by high-energy vibration milling, using electrolytic zinc powders (wZn% = 93%) as raw material and distilled water as grinding medium. By adding corrosion inhibitors in the medium, anti- corrosion effect of several inhibitors and their combinations were investigated during the milling process. The results show that adding BTA, PEG-400 or Na2SiO3 can reduce the corrosion of zinc flakes, among them the combination of BTA (or PEG-400) and Na2SiO3 got better efficiency than a single component inhibitor. Optimized inhibitor component was 0. 5% BTA combined with 0. 15% Na2SiO3. During the milling zinc flakes had a little decrease and became finer. By lh milling, the content of Zn and average grain diameter of the zinc flakes reached the Dacromet demands.
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