



Special steel is a general designation of certain types of steel with higher cleanness upgraded gradually by steel factories with promotion of process and equipment step by step according to the customer demands on product quality. The total oxygen content in steel is extremely important for its cleanness, the requirements of total oxygen for different steel is different. In the deoxidation refining process, the reactions will take place among the deoxida- tion elements, dissolved oxygen in the steel, molten steel, slag, inclusions, and refractory and evolve into balance. These reactions have an important impact on the quantity, composition and morphology of inclusions in the steel. So we make comparison of the deoxidation ability with different deoxidation elements by thermodynamic calculation. The deoxidation mechanism and the control of inclusions during the refining process of typical steels (bearing steel, spring steel, cord steel, electrical steel, free cutting steel etc. ) were also introduced. The mechanism of interaction among different deoxidation elements, molten steel, slag and refractory was analyzed and discussed.


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