运用失重法、电化学测试和表面形貌观察,对低碳高合金钢和高锰钢湿磨衬板在酸性介质中的腐蚀、冲击腐蚀磨损性能与机制进行研究。结果表明:低碳高合金钢的腐蚀电流密度比高锰钢的小一个数量级,低碳高合金钢有自钝化倾向,而高锰钢则一直处于活性溶解状态,而且其耐腐蚀随时间的延长进一步恶化;随着冲击功增大,两种钢磨损失重呈不同程度的增大;在2.0 J冲击功下,两种钢的磨损失重相差不大;2.7 J与3.5 J时低碳高合金钢的磨损失重明显较小。2.0 J冲击功下,低碳高合金钢的磨损机制主要为显微切削,高锰钢主要为挤出硬化棱的疲劳剥落和腐蚀磨损;2.7 J冲击功下,低碳高合金钢主要为挤出硬化棱的剥落,高锰钢主要为块状腐蚀剥落;3.5 J冲击功下,低碳高合金钢主要为硬化层的疲劳剥落,高锰钢主要为较深层的大块疲劳剥落。
The corrosivewear performances in acidic solution and it’s mechanisms of a low carbon high alloyed steel and a high manganese steel as mill liner, were investigated through weight loss, electrochemistry and surface morphology observation. The result showed that the corrosion current density of the former was one order smaller than that of the latter. The former showed the selfpassivation tendency especially after 16h in acidic solution of pH 3.5, while the latter exhibited active dissolution and weak corrosion resistance. The corrosivewear weight losses of both steels increased with increasing impact energy. At impact energy of 2.0 J, the two steels behaved similarly, but at the impact energy of 2.7 J and 35 J, the former showed much better corrosive wear resistance. At 2.0 J, the failure mechanism was mainly microcutting for the former and was fatigue spalling of extruded hardened edge as well as corrosive wear for the latter. At 35 J, the main failure mechanisms were fatigue spalling of hardened edge for the former ,and was massive fatigue spalling and heavy corrosive wear for the latter.
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