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[3] | RAO Yang,HU Xiaoye,LIU Tao,ZHOU Xinmu,ZHOU Xuezhen,LI Yongxiu.Pr3+-doped Li2SrSiO4 red phosphor for white LEDs[J].稀土学报(英文版),2011(03):198-201. |
[4] | YU Hong,GAO Guimei,KONG Li,LI Guanghuan,GAN Shucai,HONG Guangyan.Synthesis and luminescence properties of a novel red-emitting phosphor SrCaSiO4:Eu3+ for ultraviolet white light-emitting diodes[J].稀土学报(英文版),2011(05):431-435. |
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[16] | Song Zhiguo;Xu Yuanyuan;Li Chen et al.Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of MgAl(PO4)O ∶ Eu3+ red phosphor for white LEDs[J].CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2013,39:2821. |
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[18] | SONG Enhai,ZHAO Weiren,ZHOU Guoxiong,DOU Xihua,YI Chunyu,ZHOU Minkang.Luminescence properties of red phosphors Ca10Li (PO4)7:Eu3+[J].稀土学报(英文版),2011(05):440-443. |
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[23] | 杨志平,于红伟,马淑媛,马欣,刘玉峰,王凤和.红色荧光粉BaZn2(PO4)2:Eu3+的制备及其光谱特性[J].功能材料与器件学报,2011(01):36-39. |
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[29] | Shuo Li;Xiantao Wei;Kaimo Deng;Xiuna Tian;Yanguang Qin;Yonghu Chen;Min Yin .A new red-emitting phosphor of Eu~(3+)-doped Sr_2MgMoxW_(1-x)O_6 for solid state lighting[J].Current applied physics: the official journal of the Korean Physical Society,2013(7):1288-1291. |
[30] | Long Sheng;Hou Jingshan;Zhang Ganghua et al.High quantum efficiency red-emission tungstate based phosphor Sr(La1-x Eux)2Mg2W2O12 for WLEDs application[J].CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2013,39:6013. |
[31] | Yang Yuling;Li Xueming;Feng Wenlin et al.Effect of surfactants on morphology and luminescent properties of CaMoO4 ∶ Eu3+ red phosphors[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011,509:845. |
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[34] | Feng Wenlin;Jin Ye;Wu Ying et al.Co-precipitation synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Ba1-x MoO4 ∶ xEu3+ red phosphors[J].Journal of Luminescence,2013,134:614. |
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[37] | Zhang Yi;Wu Li;Ji Minyuan et al.Structure and photoluminescence properties of KSr4(BO3)3 ∶ Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor[J].Optical Mater Express,2012,2(01):92. |
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[58] | Dongseok Kang;Hyoung Sun Yoo;Sang Hoon Jung .Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of a Novel Red-Emitting Na2Y2Ti3O_(10):Eu~(3+),Sm~(3+) Phosphor for White-Light-Emitting Diodes[J].The journal of physical chemistry, C. Nanomaterials and interfaces,2011(49):24334-24340. |
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