For enriching the type of injection lance and modifying the problem of gas asymmetry from injection lance,strong splash and so on in the process of desulphurization in molten iron by magnesium,a new type of lance which had side outlets on vaporizing chamber was designed.Physical and numerical simulation results show that gas spurts out from outlets continuously and symmetrically in the process of injection by designed lance,gas bubbles evenly and dispersedly distributes in the top of liquid and its residence time are equivalence with prototype lance,meanwhile,liquid level fluctuates stably and evenly.Pilot test results show that the application of new lance can reduce 23.3% of the consumption of magnesium [kg(Mg)/kg(S)],and improve the utilization of desulphurizer and the efficiency of desulphurization evidently.The fluctuation of liquid level can be attenuated and the longevity can be kept.
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