The ErFeOa single crystal rod of approximately 6 mm in diameter and 75 mm in length was grown using the floating zone technique. Structure analysis shows that the sample has orthorhombic perovskite structure, and a, c directions of ErFeO3 single crystal are determined by the Laue method. M-T curves along a, c direction and magnetic hysteresis loops on different temperatures are studied. The results show that ErFeO3 magnetic system goes through transition from Г4 (Gx ,Fx) phase toГ2 (Gx ,Fx) phase with the decreasing of temperature from 98 to 87 K. Near 46 K, the M-T curve along a axis shows the negative magnetization which can be attributed to the effect of Er ions whose magnetic moments direction aligned opposite to the canted Fe moments. The negative magnetization phenomenon is suppressed in higher magnetic field because the magnetic moments of Er ions can not antiparallel to the external magnetic field completely, and the compensation point shifts to higher temperature.
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