The corrosion resistance of Q420qD Ultra-low carbon bainitic high strength steel for bridge and FSOOL-Z steel was studied by means of neutral salt spray test and electrochemical measurement. The re-suits shown that corrosion resistance of Q420qD steel was better than that of F5OOL-Z steel by comparative neutral salt spray tests for 1440 h. The fact was also proved that corrosion resistance of Q420qD steel was better than that of FS00L-Z steel by electrochemical tests for different times in the neutral media in terms of their-free corrosion potentials, linear polarization curves and the electrochemical impedance spectrosco-py(EIS). Furthermore,electrochemical impedance for Q420qD steel increased with the immersion time, which illuminated that the rust layer of which was also getting thicker with immersion time. So a thicker and compact rust layer on its surface may become a good barrier to the corrosive spices from the electro-lyte so that to suppress the corrosion of steel substrate.
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