



The effect of corona discharging mode on the charge storage characteristics of fluorethylenepropylene (FEP) electret film are investigated in this paper.The FEP film was charged by a point-tosurface corona set-up with DC stable voltage,high-frequency impulse power and AC power supply.The charge storage characteristics of FEP electret films were investigated by means of measuring surface potentials and thermal stimulating discharge current.The experimental results are explained by the plasma sheath models based on gas discharge.It is concluded that the charge stability of FEP electrets are correlated to the corona discharging mode and to the corona polarity,however,the charge storage characteristics is only affected by corona polarity.The charge stability of negative polarity electrets is superior to that of the positive polarity electrets.The charge stability when charged with pulse corona is better than that with constant voltage corona,but the initial surface potentials are lesser.The poladty of electrets charged with AC corona is negative.According to the plasma sheath models,the composition and thickness of the plasma sheath will be different when FEP film is charged with different corona discharging mode,which is responsible for the different charge storage characteristics of electrets.


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