低伤害、耐高温缓蚀剂AI-811是以咪唑啉季铵盐为主 体,并复合含S、含酮、含酰胺的混合成分,适用于HCl、盐酸/氢氟酸(HCl/HF)及醋酸等 有机混合酸液体系.其主要特点是高温缓蚀效果好,可预防或大大降低酸液对低渗储层的伤 害,使用浓度低,气味极小,与酸液中的其他添加剂配伍性好,适用性强,与缓蚀增效剂AI -800协同使用可在高达190℃下显示独特的优良缓蚀性能. 用CC-10-S高温高压动态腐蚀实验仪对AI-811的高温缓蚀性能进行了评价.结果表明:AI-811 及其AI-800在高温、高压、动态条件下对各种酸溶液具有很好的缓蚀效果,可使N-80油管 钢在高达190℃的储层温度下腐蚀速度大幅度降低,平均腐蚀速度<100 g/m2·h.
AI-811 is a good inhibitor for high temperature acid ification of oil-well with featare of low degree of damage to the low permeabili ty oil reservoir rock.It 's key component are imidazolium compounds with sulphur ,ketone,and amides. AI-811 is suitable for acid systems of HCl,HCl/HF and the mi xture of HAC.The principal property of the inhibitor is premium inhibition rates at high temperature.It can prevent or decrease the damage of acid fluid to the low-permeability oil reservoir rock. The mixture system of AI-811 inhibitor and AI-800 intensifier has good inhibition efficrency at 190℃. The CC-10-S corrosion apparatus is used for evaluating AI-811 in dynamic conditi on in this paper.The results show that AI-811 inhibitor plus and AI-800 intensi fier has quite good inhibition efficiency in different acid fluid types,the aver age corrosion rate <100 g/m2·hr.
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