A nanocrystalline layer was synthesized on the surface of TWIP steel samples by surface mechanical attri- tion treatment (SMAT) under varying durations. Microhardness variation was examined along the depth of the de- formation layer. Microstructural characteristics of the surface at the TWIP steel SMATed for 90 min were observed and analyzed by optical microscope, x-ray diffraction, transmission and high-resolution electron microscope. The re- sults show that the orientation of austenite grains weakens, and a-martensite transformation occurs during SMAT. During the process of SMAT, the deformation twins generate and divide the austenite grains firstly~ then a-martens- ite transformation occurs beside and between the twin bundles~ after that the martensite and austenite grains rotate to accommodate deformation, and the orientations of martensite and between martensite and residual austenite increase; lastly the randomly oriented and uniform-sized nanocrystallir~e layers are formed under continuous deformation.
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