用稳态法研究了具有类钙钛矿结构的Y1-xLaxBa2Cu3O7-δ(x=0.1、0.3、0.5、0.8和1.0) 致密透氧膜在750~1000℃之间的透氧量. 实验发现, 透氧速率随着La替
代Y的比例x的增加而增加; 在大约875℃, 氧空位的有序-无序转变导致透氧率有一个突然增加. 透氧膜的两侧分别为He气氛和空气, 当La完全替代Y时, 厚1.0mm的LaBa2Cu3O7-δ
膜的透氧量达到1.22μmol/s·cm2(1.64 mL/min·cm2).
Oxygen permeation fluxes through dense perovskite-related type Y1-xLaxBa2Cu3O7-δ(x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0) membranes were investigated by the steady state permeation method in a temperature
range from 750℃ to 1000℃. Oxygen permeation flux increases with the increase in La element substitution proportions, and increases sharply at about 875℃ due to an order-
disorder transition of the oxygen vacancies in the membrane. oxygen flux of LaBa2Cu3O7-δ(x=1.0) membrane with thickness 1.0mm reaches 1.22 μmol/s·cm2 (1.64 mL/min·cm2)
under air/He gradients at 1000℃.
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