以不同能量的碳离子注入方法得到的单晶硅片作为研究对象,利用原位纳米力学测试系统对其纳米硬度和弹性模量进行测定,在UMT-2型摩擦试验机上进行摩擦试验,利用S-3000N型扫描电镜表征其磨损后的磨痕形貌.结果表明,碳离子注入后硅片的纳米硬度和弹性模量发生变化,注入后硅片的的减摩效果和耐磨性能在0.1~0.3 N载荷下得到了大幅度提高.注入前单晶硅片的磨损机制在0.1 N载荷下以粘着磨损为主,在0.6 N载荷下以疲劳剥落为主;注入后单晶硅片的磨损机制以粘着磨损为主.
The single crystal silicon wafer was implanted by carbon ion with different implantation energy. The changes of hardness and elastic modulus of silicon implanted by carbon ion were studied on the in - situ nano - mechanical testing system. The sliding tests on silicon wafer and the C~+ - implanted silicon wafer were per-formed on the UMT - 2 micro - tribometer. The morphologies of worn surface were observed with S - 3000N scanning electron microscope. Results demonstrate that the nano - hardness and elastic modulus are changed for the C~+ - implanted silicon wafer. Friction - reducing effect of the C~+ - implanted silicon wafer is improved and its friction are coefficient is decreased to a great extent under the load of 0.1~0.3N. Adhesive wear is the main mechanism under the load of 0, 1 N and fatigue peel is the main mechanism under the load of 0. 6 N for the single crystal silicon, but adhesive wear is the main mechanism for silicon implanted by carbon ion.
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