



Nanostructured copper indium sulfide(CuInS_2)material,a critical semiconductor with a direct band gap of 1.5eV alongside its large absorption coefficient(α~l0~5cm~(-1)),has a good prospect of application in photovoltaic solar cells.As one of the widely used liquid-phase technique to synthesize nanopowders,the hydrothermal and solvothermal approach has attracted significant interest on preparing morphology controllable CuInS_2 photovoltaic materials due to its unique advantage in this respect.The crystal structure and properties of the chalcopyrite CuInS_2,the principle and characteristics of the hydrothermal and solvothermal route are introduced;the recent development on the synthesis of morphology and structure tailored CuInS_2 photovoltaic materials by hydrothermal and solvothermal route is described,its characteristic and preparation mechanism are investigated.At last,the difficulties in the present and the prospect in the future for synthesis of CuInS_2 photovoltaic materials by hydrothermal and solvothermal route are discussed.


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