~(236)U是一种长寿命放射性核素,其半衰期为T_(1/2)=2.342(3)×10~7a,在自然界的含量极微,天然铀中~(236)U /~(238)U的原子比约为~10~(-14).目前,对于~(236)U及其测量的研究报道较少.首先介绍了~(236)U的产生,并对地球中~(236)U的总量进行了估算.概述了~(236)U测定在亿年级中子注量率积分评估、核环境和核活动监测,以及地质学等领域中的重要应用.最后,对国内外加速器质谱(AMS)测量~(236)U的状况进行了综述,报道了中国原子能科学研究院AMS小组通过对同位素干扰鉴别的多方面研究,初步建立了~(236)U-AMS测量方法.
~(236)U is a long-lived radionuclide with half-life of 2.342(3)×10~7 a.The ratio of ~(236)U/~(238)U is about 10~(-14) in the natural Uranium.The origin and production of ~(236)U in globe are introduced and esti-mated in this paper,respectively.The major applicationsion of ~(236)U as a 100-million year neutron flux in-tegrator.as a"fingerprint"for monitoring nuclear environment and nuclear activity,and as a tracer in geo-logical studies are briefly summarized.The accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS)measurement of ~(236)U in the world and the research on HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE)is also mentioned in this paper.
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