To achieve subwavelength structured surface with pyramid profile and improve the aspect ratio, masked lithography and reactive ion etch (RIE) were employed to fabricate subwavelength structures (SWSs) On Ge surfaces with SF6 and 02 as the reactive gases. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterize the morphologies of the etched patterns. Influences of 02 flow rate, gas pressure, power and the mask pattern geometry on the morphology of the etched pattern were investigated. The results show that the waist part of the patterns are preferentially etched resulting in a concave sidewall profile. The rise in 02 flow rate facilitates the formation of passivation film on the sidewall, which reduces the etch of the sidewall and increases the etch of the top part and bottom part of the pattern. Too low and too high power and gas pressure all lead to a intense etch of the waist part of the structure. Square pattern mask is preferable over circular pattern mask for deep etch of the SWSs.
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