Solid compounds added into liquid steel can be utilized as substrates for primary ferrite phase or primary austenite phase nucleation during solidification. The effect of solid compounds promoting heterogeneous nucleation can be interpreted as an electrostatic effect between substrates and nucleated phases, with heterogeneous nucleation being considered as caused by the free energy change due to the redistribution of free electrons at the interface of substrate and nucleated phase. In order to evaluate the electrostatic effect, Yu's empirical electron theory was introduced. With concepts of lattice electron and atomic state hybridization brought forward by Yu, the bond length difference method was applied to calculate valence electron structures of substrates and nucleated phases. The electrostatic effect was quantified as a electron transfer rate at the interface of substrate and nucleated phase. Parameter Δρ was proposed to represent the electron transfer rate. In this study, 23 compounds commonly found in liquid steel were selected as the substrates, along with δ-Fe and γ-Fe as the nucleated phases. The valence electron structures of substrates and nucleated phases were calculated on the basis of crystal structure data obtained by experiments. Parameter Δρ between each substrate and δ-Fe/γ-Fe was calculated from the valence electron structures. The results show that, as the parameter Ap increases, the work of heterogeneous nucleation derived from experimental data decreases; the larger Δρ is, the more effective the substrate is for promoting nucleation.
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