The isothermal and constant strain rate compression tests of 3003 aluminum alloys were conducted in the range of 300 ~500℃ and 0.01~ 10.0 s-1 by Gleeble - 1500 thermal simulator. The plot of average recrys- tallization grain size, temperature and strain rate was built. The microhardness decreases with the strain rate and temperature increasing;furthermore the microhardness increases with the average recrystallization grain size decreasing. It is indicated by TEM images that the large and diffused precipitated phases A1MnFe and A1MnSi are distributed unevenly in the aluminum matrix in the conditions of T≥400 ℃ and ε≥ 1.0 s-1 ,which play a role of particle stimulation on the nucleation (PSN)during the process of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). It is found that the microhardness changes are in good agreement with the results of microstructure observation.
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