采用热力学计算以及XRD分析技术对18Mn-Si系TWIP钢的层错能进行了研究。结果表明,18Mn-Si系TWIP钢在淬火状态下为全奥氏体组织,拉伸变形以后出现变形孪晶和α马氏体相;该钢种的层错几率和层错能分别为2.6×10-3、17.3 mJ/m2,说明其在拉伸应力作用下将同时发生TWIP效应和TRIP效应,该结论与实验结果相吻合;对于18Mn-Si系TWIP钢而言,其在298 K条件下层错能(SFE)和层错几率(Psf)存在如下关系,即,SFE(298 K)=4.498×10-2/Psf。
Stacking fault energy of 18Mn-Si TWIP steel was investigated by thermodynamic calculations and X-ray diffraction.The results show that microstructure of 18Mn-Si TWIP steel after quenching is austenite.Mechanical twin and α-martensite are observed after tensile deformation.The values of stacking fault probability and stacking fault energy are 2.6×10-3 and 17.3 mJ/m2,respectively.Both TWIP and TRIP effects are predicted to occur after deformation according to the calculated value of stacking fault energy.Experimental results are consistent with the prediction.Relation between the stacking fault probability and stacking fault energy can be formulated as SFE=4.498×10-2/Psf for the 18Mn-Si TWIP steel at 298 K.
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