



The formation behavior of the composition of β10-Sialon(Si5.23Al0.77O0.77N7.23) plus 7.26wt% Nd-melilite solid solution (Nd2Si2AlO4N3) prepared by
pressureless sintering was studied. Nd ions in the composition enter α-sialon at low temperature, dissolve in the liquid phase of the material with
temperature increasing. Melilite solid solution can be formed as a grain boundary phase of the ceramics by heat-teatment at 1550℃ for 24h. The oxidation behavior
of the hot-pressed and post-sintered samples was also investigated in the range of 1000~400℃. The melilite solid solution doesn’t caues severe cracking
of the material in oxidation at 1000℃ At high temperature, the oxidized surface of the sample contains preferentially oriented A-Nd2Si2O7 grains and bubbles,
which are formed because of the decrease of the silicate viscosity, incurred by the accumulation of Nd ions to the surface.


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