研究了用沉淀转化法、通过掺钴和纳米炭材料制备的Ni(OH)2-C和Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2- C纳米复合材料的结构和电化学性能. Ni(OH)2-C和Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2-C都是β-Ni(OH)2 晶体结构. Ni(OH)2电化学性能主要与其晶体粒径、晶体结构和导电性有关.掺入纳米导电 炭黑,可以改善Ni(OH)2的电化学性能.掺入纺锤形颗粒的SPC比片状颗粒:HGC炭黑较明 显改善Ni(OH)2的电化学性能.掺入高比表面积活性炭,不能改善Ni(OH)2电化学性能.掺 杂Co可以提高倍率放电能力和可逆性.掺杂Co和炭的Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2-C复合材料,具有 高比容量.
Nano-sized Ni(OH)2--C and Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2--C were synthesized by a precipitation-transformation method. Their physical and electrochemical characteristics, such as crystal configuration, surface
area, granule appearance, special capacity, rate discharge capability, electrochemical action reversibility, proton diffusion rate and electrode kinetics were investigated. Ni(OH)2--C and Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2--C
have the crystal structure of a single β(Ⅱ) phase. Their electrochemical characteristics mainly depend on their crystal configuration, crystal grain and conductibility. Adding nano carbon black to
Ni(OH)2 can improve its electrochemical performance. Adding spindle-shaped nano-carbon black can more effectively advance Ni(OH)2 (Ni(OH)2--C) electrochemical performance then adding
flake- shaped one. Adding active carbon is futile. Substituting Ni with Co (Ni0.96Co0.04(OH)2 formed) can upgrade nano-Ni(OH)2 rate discharge ability and electrochemical reversibility. Adding both
Co and carbon black can increase Ni(OH)2 discharge capacity.
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