我国西部地区地形、地貌复杂、气候多变,按气候因素及环 境条件,大致可分为酸雨、沙漠、高原和热带雨林4大类典型大气环境.各类环境的大气腐蚀 严酷性是不同的.不同环境类型对材料的腐蚀(老化)破坏特点也不一样.酸雨大气明显加剧了 金属、金属保护性涂(镀)层、建筑材料等的腐蚀破坏.沙漠大气环境虽然干燥、少雨,但对 处于塔里木盆地的塔克拉玛干沙漠地区,由于空气尘降物中的盐类物质较高,Cu、Zn、Al、 不锈钢及金属涂层的腐蚀破坏比中、东部的湿热、亚湿热城市大气反而严重.在高原环境下 ,高分子材料的迅速老化破坏是其显著特征.热带雨林大气环境的特点主要表现在光学仪器 、皮革、织物、木材等的严重霉变.
The topography,geomorphy and climate in western are a in our country are complex and multivariate.According to climatic factors and environmental conditions,there are approximately four types of typical atmospher ic environment,namely acid rain environment,desert environment,plateau environme nt and tropical rainforest environment.The atmospheric corrosion degrees of all types of environment are different,as well as are the corrosion failure features of materials under different environment conditions.The acid rain atmospheric e nvironment aggravates the corrosion failure of metals,protective coatings on met als and building materials,etc.Although the climate is dry and there is little r ain in the desert atmospheric environment,owning to the high salt content in air sediment,the corrosion failure of copper,zinc,aluminum,stainless steel and meta l coatings in Takelamagan area located in Talimu basin is severer than that in e astern moist hot or semi-moist hot city environment.Under plateau environment condition,the significant feature is that macromolecular materials will fail rap idly.The feature of tropical rainforest atmospheric environment is mainly that o ptical instrument,leather,fabric and timber will be severely moulded.
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