When Meso-interfacial transition zone-free cement-based materials is used for preparing high impermeability cover of gradient structural concrete and the optimal thickness of high impermeability cover is 10~20mm, the ability of chloride ion penetration of GSC is obviously decreased, but its service life of prediction is clearly increased. In comparison with the monolayer structural concrete named HPC, the chloride diffusion coefficient of the different thickness ration GSC is apparently decreased. To increase the thickness ration of MIF in GSC is decrease the chloride diffusion coefficient of GSC. When the thickness of MIF in GSC is more than 10mm, the chloride diffusion coefficient of GSC is markedly decreased. When the thickness of MIF in GSC approached to 25mm, the chloride diffusion coefficient of GSC is decreased by two orders of magnitude compared with that of HPC, and the ability of chloride ion penetration of GSC is extremely low. According to the multi-component diffusion equation, a service life of 1700 years for GSC is predicted when the chloride diffusion coefficient of GSC is 2. 0× 10~(-13)m~2/s to 3.0×10~(-13)m~2/s. Namely, the GSC is a kind of superhigh durability concretes.
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