


脉冲电流烧结(Pulse electric current sintering,PECS)是材料科学领域开发出的一种新型快速烧结技术,已广泛应用于金属与合金、结构陶瓷、氧化物超导体、复合材料、热电材料、高分子材料以及功能梯度材料的制备.本文简介脉冲电流烧结特征,结合PECS烧结条件对铜粉末和氧化铝粉体致密化及显微结构影响的实验证据,就脉冲电流烧结过程和机理进行探讨.

Pulse electric current sintering (PECS) is a new rapid sintering approach. A variety of materials such as metal, ceramics, composite and functionally graded
materials have been prepared. PECS apparatus is somewhat like a conventional hot-press apparatus. It is characterized by the application of a pulse electric current
and/or a direct current as the power and by the graphite mold and punches acting as heating elements. Much attention has been paid to investigate the sintering
process of PECS from different standpoints. In the sintering of metallic (copper) powder, pulse current is effective in promoting the densification of copper powder
compacts because pulse current passes through both the graphite mold and the powder compact. In the sintering of non-metallic (Al2O3) powder, the densification
of Al2O3 powder is due to heat transfer from the graphite mold and punches. Heating rate of PECS is high by the application of a large electric current and
heat transfer is efficient by using the graphite mold and punches as heating elements. Therefore, rapid sintering is made possible.


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