


The films of GaP nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix were prepared by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering and subsequent annealing technology.The stracture and morphology of the films were investigated by scanning electron microscope,X-ray diffi-action,and energy dispersive spectrum.Raman spectra results showed that the transverse optical phonon model (TO) and the longitudinal optical phonon model (LO) of GaP nanocrystais were both discovered to undergo red shift,broadening,and asymmetry.The red shift degree of the TO model was about 8.8 cm-1.The luminescence spectrum of the GaP/SiO2 film consisted of several emission peaks.2.84-2,54 eV blue light emission was explained by the quantum confinement-luminescence centers model (QC-LCs).


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