The mechanical properties of a ferritic-austenitic duplex stainless steel has beeninvestigated in the temperature range between 600 to 1100℃. The variation of ductilityagainst temperature has a minimum at 800--900℃. While at about 600℃ ferrite deformedcooperatively with austenite. With increasing temperature the coordination decreased. Evenat 1100℃ ferrite dominated the deformation process. The kinetics of σ-phase precipitationand the effect of σ-phase on tensile properties have also been revealed. The ductility of spec-imens deformed at about 600℃ was largely reduced by σ-phase and the effects of σ-phaseincreased with increasing σ-phase fraction but exhibit significant temperature dependence.When a specimen consisting of 16% σ-phase was tested at 900℃, σ-phase particle bandswere realigned parallel to the shearinng directions. Final fracture was preceded by plasticdeformation. At about 1000℃ the effect of σ-phase precipitation on tensile properties disap-peared, while fine dispersion of secondary austenite within ferrite strengthened the materialslightly.
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