Macrosegregations and microstructures of Al-7%Si alloy solidified under complex of fects of magnetic field and centrifugal forces are studied by means of a set of selfdesigned electromagnetic centrifugal casting (EMCC) device. It is shown that electromagnetic field (EMF) has an important effect on the macrosegregation of centrifugal casting specimen of Al-7%Si alloy in two respects: one is that there exists always a kind of convection in the liquid in front of the S/L interface caused by effect ofthe electromagnetic force; the other is that different atomic clusters of solidparticles with different physical characteristics are subjected to quite different electromagnetic (Lorentz) force. Therefore, their movements get changed. In addition, the formation process of a complex band structure consisting of primary α-Al dendrites and (α-Al+β-Si) eutectics in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys during EMCC and the effect of EMF are discussed.
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