



The interior electric field of a two-phased composite material was simulated by using Monte Carlo and finite
element methods with 3-dimensional model, from which the macro dielectric constant, εm, of the material was calculated. The results show
that the percentage of electric field energy stored in the low-permittivity phase to total energy calculated with 3-dimensional model is larger than that
calculated with 2-dimensional model. Since the 3-dimensional model accords with the fact that the particles in real composite material are more
parallel than serial connected, the simulated distribution of the electric field and εm with 3-dimensional model are more accurate than with 2-dimensional
model. A new equation for predicting the macro dielectric constant of a two-phased compound derivedis: εαm=V1εα1+V2εα2, where α=(V21+20V1V2+20V1V2+5V22)/11, V1+V2=1 and ε1<ε2. This equation agrees
well with the data from some literatures.


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