运用DSC、XRD、SEM/EDS、力学性能测试及电学性能测试对TO-5微型继电器触点用新型Au基六元合金AuCuPtPdNiRh的物相组成和时效行为进行了细致研究。结果表明,合金由晶格常数分别为0.3915和0.3827 nm的2种立方相组成;时效热处理并不改变2种相的形貌及元素构成;通过一次时效可使合金硬度和强度分别达到440和1458.4 MPa;通过二次时效可使合金获得强度1354.9 MPa,电阻率28.8μ?·cm的优异综合性能;合金强化及电学性能提高的主要机制为有序转变。
The new Au based six components AuCuPtPdNiRh alloy for application in TO-5 electro- magnetic relay as electrical contact material was researched finely by the combined techniques of DSC, XRD, SEM/EDS, mechanical properties tests and electrical properties tests. The alloy contained two cubic phases with the lattice parameter of 0.3915 and 0.3827 nm, respectively. The micrograph and component of the two phases didn’t change during aging thermal treatment. The hardness and strength had been reached to 440 and 1458.4 MPa, respectively after the direct aging. The alloy could achieve the excellent performance with the strength of 1354.9 MPa and the resistivity of 28.8 μ?·cm after a two-step aging. The enhancements of properties of alloy could arise from the ordering transformation.
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