采用OM、SEM、EDS、EPMA、显微硬度和剪切试验等方法,研究了H62黄铜中间层20钢/304不锈钢瞬间液相扩散结合区组织与性能.结果表明,结合区发生Fe、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn原子互扩散,异种金属界面获得良好的冶金结合,抗剪强度可达到270 MPa以上;碳钢/黄铜界面有含Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn的“岛状”富铁相形成,扩散温度由950℃增加至1100℃,岛状组织形态由不连续状转变为连续状,并向黄铜中间层中生长,随着扩散时间的延长,贯穿于中间层,使结合区硬度增加,抗剪强度提高;950℃扩散复合,碳钢/黄铜界面有铬碳化物形成,剪切断裂发生该处,断口呈脆性穿晶断裂;1100℃扩散复合,碳钢/黄铜界面无铬碳化物形成,剪切断裂发生在黄铜/不锈钢界面,断口呈韧性断裂.
Microstructure and mechanical properties of the transient liquid phase diffusion bonding region of low carbon steel/stainless steel composites with H62 brass interlayer were examined by means of OM,SEM,EDS,EPMA,microhardness and shear tests.The results show that the metallurgical bond of the different metal interface is achieved by the inter-diffusion of Fe,Cr,Ni,Cu and Zn in the diffusion bonding zone,and the compression shearing strength above 270 MPa is obtained.The island iron-rich phase,which contains Fe,Cr,Ni,Cu and Zn,forms at the copper/stainless steel interface.With increasing diffusion temperature from 950 ℃ to 1100 ℃,the island ironrich phase changes from discontinuous to continuous and grows into the brass inter layer,and the micorhardness and shearing strength of the bonding zone increases.Shear failure occurs at the carbon steel/brass interface and fracture surface shows brittle transgranular fracture for the diffusion bonding at 950 ℃,which is attributed to the formation of chromium carbide while shear failure occurs at the brass/stainless steel interface and fracture surface shows ductile fracture for the diffusion bonding at 1100 ℃.
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