



Three FR3? natural ester insulating oil samples with different micro water contents were conducted accelerated thermal ageing test, and the mineral insulating oil was conducted ageing test under the same condition to comparison. The change of dissolved gas in the two kinds of oils with ageing time were analyzed. The results show that the production rate and content of dissolved gas in the natural ester insulating oil are much higher than that in the mineral insulating oil under the same ageing condition. The effect of micro water content difference on the gas production during ageing can be ignored when the micro water content is between 50 μL/L and 200 μL/L. The effect of oxygen on the gas production of natural ester during ageing is big. When there exist oxygen, the contents of dissolved H2, CO2, CH4, C2H6, and C2H4 in the natural ester increase, and the CO content reduces in the same ageing time.


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