Aging treatment was performed for microalloyed steel for cold hardening bolt.Effects of various aging processes on the microstructure and performance for bolts were mainly investigated.A series of process tests were implemented for studying aging rules by means of heating device of heat treatment,and effects of aging processes on microstructures and properties for materials were analyzed by using optical microscope,scanning electron microscope and tensile tester and so on.The results show that hardness is increased by both raising temperature and delaying aging time,250-300℃and 2.5 h are served as best aging processes to meet manufacture,moreover,aging processes and surface treatment technique may simultaneously be carried out.Additionally,sub-grain boundary,Cottrell atmosphere and dispersion carbide-nitride are precipitated in the ferrite grain,which mainly results in aging strength.Important reasons on aged strengthening are attributed to the Cottrell atmosphere,generation of subgrain-size in ferrite and dispersed carbon compound and nitride precipitation.
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