Ti_3Al-based alloy and TC11 titanium alloy were joined by electron beam welding in different welding currents, and then the Ti_3Al and TC11 dual alloy was processed by forging and heat treatment. The effects of strain rate and deformation amount on diffusion of alloying elements at the welding interface were investigated. The results show that the alloying elements diffuse sufficiently at the welding interface as the strain rate decreases and the deformation amount increases. When the specimen is deformed by 20%, the alloying elements diffuse mainly along grain boundary by tube mechanism. However, the mechanism of intercrystalline diffusion for alloying elements prevails as the specimen is deformed by 40%. In addition, the reason for the abnormal diffusion of Ti element in the weld zone is that the position of the Ti atom in the weld zone is occupied by the Nb atom diffusing from Ti_3Al alloy base. Therefore, these Ti atoms diffuse out from DO19 (hexagonal) crystal structure and accumulate together.
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