在分析氩-氧脱碳(AOD)炉内侧吹射流行为特征的基础上,建立了描述AOD炉内三维流 动的数学模型,考察了喷吹气体流量和喷枪布置对AOD熔池内湍流场的影响规律. 结 果表明,供气强度对AOD炉内射流流股轨迹和钢液流动产生明显影响; 多枪喷吹,使 熔池中流场和湍动能分布变得更加合理. 计算结果与物理模型的观测结果吻合.
In AOD (argon and oxygen decarburization) converter, an important reactor for stainless steelmaking, the flow has a great effect on the refining process. Based on analysis of the behavior of a gas jet injected horizontally into liquid from side wall, a mathematical model was developed to predict the 3D turbulent flow in AOD, and the effects of gas flow rate and arrangement of lances on flow were investigated. The results show that the gas flow rate has a great effect on the trajectory of jet and flow of molten steel in the furnace, and the flow field and the distribution of turbulent kinetic energy become more reasonable in the bath with multi-lance injection. The predicted results were compared with the observation in water model, which showed a good agreement.
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