采用强拉拔应变制备了双相纤维复合Cu--12\%Ag(质量分数) 合金线材, 并在不同温度下退火,研 究了退火温度对该合金两相中晶体织构强度和 分布的影响. 随着退火温度升高到400 ℃,Cu相中$\langle 111\rangle$织构强 度降低而$\langle 100\rangle$强度上升,Ag相中$\langle 111\rangle$ 强度变化不明显; 退火温度高于400 ℃后,两相中的织构强 度均有所增加. 在较低的退火温度下,应变形成的Ag相织构 稳定性高于Cu相. 在退火过程中,相界 面迁移、复合组织的聚集、纤维相的球化 及等轴晶粒的粗化等仅导致形变织构分量相对强度的变化而形 成退火织构,因而退火织构的组成与形变织构的组成相同.\par }} \vskip 0.2cm \noindent\parbox{0.92\hsize}{ \heiti\zihao{6}{关键词} \ \small\songti\zihao{-6} {Cu--Ag合金,双相复合材料, 退火,晶体织构\par } \noindent\parbox{0.92\hsize}{\heiti\zihao{6} {中图法分类号} \ \ \small\songti\zihao{-6}
Cu-12% Ag (mass fraction) strengthened by double-phase filamentary composite was prepared by heavy drawing. The effect of annealing temperature on the intensity and distribution of crystal texture in both Cu and Ag phases was investigated by annealing the composite at different temperatures. With the increase of annealing temperature up to 400 °C, the <111> component intensity decreases and the <100> component intensity increases in Cu phase while the <111> component intensity in Ag phase changes insignificantly. Annealing at temperatures higher than 400 °C enhances the texture intensities in both Cu and Ag phases. The texture formed by heavy drawing in Ag phase is more stable than that in Cu phase for the composite annealed at lower temperatures. The interface migrating, structure aggregating, fiber glomerating, and grain propagating from recover and recrystallization in annealing process generally change the intensities of the texture components formed by heavy drawing to form annealing texture. Therefore, the annealing texture components have the same orientation indexes as the deformation texture components.
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