Fe(65.5)Cr(4)Mo(4)Ga(4)P(12)C(5)B(5.5) bulk amorphous rectangular bars with a cross-section of 2 x 2 mm(2) and a length of 30 mm were produced by copper mold casting. The as-cast bars as well as annealed samples were investigated by compression and Vickers hardness tests. The fracture strength for the as-cast samples sigma(f) is 2.8 GPa and the fracture strain epsilon(f) is 1.9%. Upon annealing at 715 K for 10 min, i.e. at a temperature below the calorimetric glass transition, the fracture strain drops to 1.6% and no plastic deformation is observed. The Vickers hardness HV for the as-east samples is about 885, and increases to 902 upon annealing. The fracture behavior of this Fe-based bulk glassy alloy is significantly different in comparison with the well-studied Zr-, Cu- or Ti-based good glass-formers. The fracture is not propagating along a well-defined direction and the fractured surface looks irregular. Instead of veins, the glassy alloy develops a high number of microcracks. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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