传统的铬酸粗化对环境有污染.采用高锰酸钾代替铬酸粗化ABS塑料,在塑料基体上化学镀镍后电镀铜镍,讨论了粗化时间、温度和高锰酸钾浓度对化学镀镍层质量的影响,并以化学镀镍层的表面状态和结合力为评价标准,确定了高锰酸钾粗化的最佳工艺.结果表明:20 g/L高锰酸钾,粗化温度70℃,粗化时间40 min时的粗化效果最优;所得铜镍镀层光亮、均匀,达到GB/T 12610-90质量要求;高锰酸钾最佳粗化工艺下粗化效果良好,可满足生产要求,且对环境污染小,具有广阔的应用前景.
Potassium hypennanganate ( KMnO_4 ) was used as a replacement of H_2 CrO_4 to conduct Cr-free roughening of acrylonitrile- butadiene - styrene (ABS) plastics. The resulting roughened ABS plastics were chemically plated with Ni, followed by Cu-Ni alloy electroplating. The effects of roughening time, temperature,and concentrstion of KMnO_4 on the quality of the electroless Ni coating were investigated. And the optimized roughening process of the ABS plastics by aqueous solution of KMnO_4 was establiabed in relatian to the surface quality and adhesion force of the electroleas Ni coating. It was found that the best roughening efficiency was obtained at KMnO_4 concentration of 20 g/L, ronghening temperature of 70℃, and mnghening time of 40 min. The dectroplated Cu-Ni alloy coating, bright and smooth, is qualified according to GB/T 12610 -90. The established roughening process of the ABS plastics by aqueous solution of KMnO_4 can be well used for production and has little pollution to environment, showhag promising application in industry.
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