研究了由前过渡族金属和后过渡族金属按照等原子比替代的(Ti0.33Zr0.33Hf0.33)50(Ni0.33Cu0.33Ag0.33)40Al10多组元合金在 机械研磨作用下的非晶化转变, 并与由熔体急冷制备的同一成分玻璃态合金进行了对比. 两种途径获得的玻璃态相似. 在机械研磨的稳态产物中, 仍残留有少量尺寸小于30 nm的晶体相颗粒, 即非晶化转变未能完全实现. 机械研磨形成的非晶相表现有明确的玻璃转变和约80 K宽的过冷液态温度区间, 晶化过程分两步进行, 第一步晶化转变完成后, 剩余的非晶相亦具有玻璃态行为, 呈现另一玻璃转变及约100 K宽的过冷液态温度区间.
The glass formation under high--energy ball milling was investigated for a (Ti0.33Zr0.33Hf0.33)50(Ni0.33Cu0.33Ag0.33)40Al10 high--order alloy system. For comparison, the glassy ribbon with the same composition was prepared using melt--spinning (MS) method as well. Structural features of the samples were characterized using X--ray diffraction, ransmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Mechanical alloying (MA) results in a formation of glassy alloy similar to that obtained by MS. But, the glass formation is incomplete and a small amount of unreated crystallites smaller than 30 nm in size still remains in the final product. Like the melt--spun glass, the ball--milled glassy alloy also exhibits a distinct glass transition and a wide supercooled liquid region of about 80 K. Crystallization of the glassy alloy is a two--step p rocess, regardless of the synthesis routes. After the primary crystallization is completed, the remaining amorphous phase shows a detectable glass transition and a large supercooled liquid region of about 100 K.
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