采用碱催化正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)的溶胶-凝胶法与分子模板法相结合,通过旋转涂覆在硅衬底上制备掺杂聚酰亚胺(PI)的纳米多孔SiO_2薄膜,并在其表面制备致密过渡膜.利用差热分析(DSC-TGA)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、台阶仪(Atomic-Profiler)、微纳力学性能测试仪(Universal Nano+Micro Mechanical Tester)等对薄膜的性能进行了分析表征.结果表明,所制备的SiO_2/PI杂化多孔薄膜具有较好的力学性能和热稳定性;一层膜和两层膜的平均厚度分别为917和1288nm;镀有过渡膜的样品具有最为平整的表面形貌和最小的表面动摩擦系数.
The nanoporous SiO_2/PI hybrid thin film and the surface transition layer were prepared on silicon wafers via adopting base catalyzed TEOS sol-gel method,molecular template and spinning coating.The films were analyzed and characterized by DSC-TGA,AFM,Atomic Profiler method and Universal Nano+Micro Mechanical Tester.The results show that the nanoporous SiO_2/PI hybrid thin film has good thermal stability and mechanical property.The average thickness of one-layer and two- layer film is 917 and 1288nm,respectively.The surface transition layer makes the film surface smoothness greatly improve and the dynamic friction coefficient decrease.
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