通过高频调制等离子电弧激发出电弧超声,以Ti-6061Al合金片作为填充材料对SiCp/6061Al复合材料进行等离子弧(PAW)"原位"合金化焊接,并与常规PAW进行对比,研究了电弧超声对焊缝组织和性能的影响.结果表明:与常规PAW相比,电弧超声使焊缝组织明显细化,TiN、TiC等颗粒分布更加弥散,且无气孔、裂纹等缺陷,焊缝中没有发现脆性相AL4 C3的生成;电弧超声使焊缝中心区硬度有一定程度下降;焊接接头抗拉强度提高到252 MPa,比常规PAW焊接接头的提高了约7%;同时拉伸断口韧窝数量明显增加,呈现出明显的韧性断裂特征.
The arc-ultrasonic could be excited by modulating the plasma arc through high frequency. Adding Ti-6061Al as filling material, the effect of arc-ultrasonic on microstructure and mechanical properties of joint of SiCp/6061Al composite in plasma arc "in-situ" alloying welding(PAW) was studied. And then it was compared with conventional PAW. The results show that to compared with conventional PAW, arc-ultrasonic could significantly refine the joint microstuctrue. TiN and TiC particles distributed more dispersively, and no brittle phase Al4C3 and defects such as pores and cracks had been found. The arc-ultrasonic made the hardness of the weld middle zone become lower and the strength of welding joints increased to 252 MPa, which was increased by 7% than that of conventional PAW. The number of dimple in the tensile fracture significantly increased, taking remarkable features of the ductile.
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