This paper adopted a two-dimensional unsteady state mathematical model and a periodic boundary condition in the walls to simulate plate channel's heat transfer and flow performances. In the conditions that Reynolds numbers are from 4407 to 22035, this paper has calculated plate channels' heat transfer and flow performances in different cross section shapes (the semicircle, the semi-ellipse I and semi-ellipse II ). The numerical simulation results indicated that the backflow is produced in the corrugate channel when flowing forward from convex surface to concave surface. As a result of the perturbation from geometry structures to the fluid, the corrugate channel enhances heat transfer and in the same time increases resistance. In three kinds of periodic corrugated plates, the semi-circle channel heat transfer's performance is best. Nu is 1.4 times as big as semi-ellipse II ; and the resistance is also greatest. The pressure drop is 1.9 times as big as semi-ellipse II.
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