基于Ghosh提出的Voronoi单元有限元方法. 构造能同时反映纤维增强复合材料界面脱层和基体裂纹扩展的单元(X-VCFEM单元);应用界面力学理论和断裂力学理论, 建立界面脱层、界面裂纹扩展方向和基体裂纹扩展的判断准则;结合网格重划分技术, 模拟分析了只含有一个夹杂时界面脱层和基体裂纹扩展的过程, 并通过与传统有限元计算结果的比较, 验证X-VCFEM单元的可靠性和有效性;同时, 模拟分析含任意随机分布夹杂的纤维增强复合材料界面脱层和基体裂纹的产生和扩展过程. 结果表明: 应用该方法模拟复杂多相复合材料裂纹问题具有计算速度快和精度高的优越性.
This paper introduces an extended Voronoi cell finite element model(X-VCFEM)proposed by Ghosh for modeling the propagation of interfacial debonding and matrix cracking in fiber reinforced composite materials. A series of criteria based on the theory of interface and fracture mechanics were proposed for assessing the damage development, which includes the interfacial debonding, the direction of damage at the interface and the crack propagation in the matrix. With a re-mesh strategy, comparisons of X-VEFEM simulations of one Voronoi element with reference results of traditional finite element method validate the effectiveness of X-VCFEM model. Meanwhile, the initiation and propagation of interfacial debonding and matrix cracking in fiber reinforced composite materials of random distributed fibers were simulated. The results show that this model for modeling the initiation and propagation of interracial debonding and matrix cracking in complex fiber reinforced composite materials has the advantages of fast speed and high precision.
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