


用硅烷偶联剂( KH560)对纳米二氧化钛进行了改性,通过红外分光光度计对其改性效果做了表征。分别制备了含纳米二氧化钛5%、3%、2%、1%以及0%的TiO2/epoxy(二氧化钛/epoxy)的复合涂层,然后用BGD523 ABRASER型耐磨仪测试了涂层的耐磨性,并通过上海华晨电化学工作站( EIS)测定了复合涂层的阻抗,最后用热重分析仪( TGA)测定了耐热性以及用扫描电子显微镜观察了其表面形貌。结果表明:在空气环境下,纳米二氧化钛的加入能够提高其热稳定性;对于含不同比例的二氧化钛的TiO2/epoxy的复合涂层,当其含量为2%时,耐磨性和耐腐蚀性能均达到最高。

The silane coupling agent(KH560) was used to modify the TiO2 and its modification effect was characterized by infrared spectrophotometer. The powders containing 5%, 3%, 2%, 1%, and 0 of nano?TiO2 for the TiO2/epoxy composite coating were prepared, the wear resistance of the coating was tested by BGD523 ABRASER wear tester, the impedance of the composite coating was measured by EIS, the heat resistance was measured with thermogravimetric analyzer ( TGA ) , and finally the surface morphology was observed by scanning electron microscope. The results show that in the air circumstance, adding Nano?TiO2 can improve its thermal stability;for containing different proportions of TiO2 of the TiO2/epoxy composite coating, when its content is 2%, both of the wear resistance and corrosion resistance are the highest.


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