The isothermal oxidation behavior at 1000, 1050 and 1100 degrees C and the cyclic oxidation behavior at 1000 degrees C of the directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy DS951 were investigated. The oxidized samples were characterized by SEM, EDAX, XRD. The alloy DS951 obeyed a two-stage parabolic rate law during isothermal oxidation at 1000-1100 degrees C. In cyclic conditions, the alloy showed no weight loss even after 1100 cycles. Cross-sectional examination revealed the development of faceted and needle-shaped AlN precipitates in the alloy subsurface region during cyclic oxidation, while no internal corrosion products were found in isothermal tests. Furthermore, a selective oxidation of MC carbides (M was predominately niobium with some chromium and tungsten) was observed along alloy grain boundaries and in interdendritic areas.
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