对单垂蔼温DD6进︽渗阂处瞶ノSEMTEM╯DD6渗阂层组织运ノEDS蒓SADだ猂渗阂层内阂て类结狦渗阂处瞶渗阂层内猂秖细MC阂て蒓义Θだゑㄤて学Θだ碔NbTa㎝MoτAl㎝Ni秖较该阂て块状猂へ约为0.1m弥床だガ渗阂层区办内パ阂て猂渗阂层区办内ˇぃ玂Ч俱ミよて态MC阂て蒓膀蔨ぇ间[001]MC // [001](200)MC // (200)垂蔨学关╰
The specimens of single crystal superalloy DD6 were carburized at high temperature, then the microstructure of carburized layer was studied by SEM and TEM, and characteristic of carbides was investigated by EDS and SAD. The results show that numbers of MC carbides precipitate in phase after carburization, and distribute dispersedly in the carburized layer. In comparison with nominal composition of DD6 alloy, the MC carbides are rich in NbTa and Mo, and poor in Al, Ni. The MC carbides are blocky, and fine plate shaped particles, and the size is about 0.1m. The ˇ phase in the carburized layer cannot wholly maintain cubic due to the precipitation of MC carbides. The MC carbides has the crystallographic orientation relationships with冏 matrix such as [001]MC // [001] and (200)MC // (200).
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