


采用电子束熔化(EBM)成形工艺,制造具有可控多孔结构的Ti6Ai4V植入体,分析测试其微观孔隙结构特征、孔隙率以及力学性能.扫描电镜观测结果表明,所制备的钛合金植入体孔隙结构特征与设计结构相符合,证明EBM技术能够实现钛合金植入体孔隙结构的控制:测得多孔植入体的孔隙率为60.1%,相应的抗压强度为163 MPa,弹性模量为14 GPa,与人体骨组织弹性模量相近.利用改进的碱热处理方法进行表面改性,并浸泡在模拟体液中以诱导磷灰石的形成.体外细胞培养试验结果表明,培养7d后成骨细胞在改性的试件表面大量粘附、生长、增殖.

One of the direct metal forming techniques, electron beam melting (EBM) process, was used to fabricate Ti6A14V implants with controllable porous structure. The micro-structural pore characterization, porosity and mechanical properties of the fabricated implants were investigated. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation shows that the porous structure of fabricated samples coincide with the designed architecture. It is demonstrated that EBM process can provide accurate control over the internal pore architectures of the implant. The compressive strength of the implant with porosity of 60.1% is 163 MPa. The Young's modulus is 14 GPa, which is similar to that of cortical bone. The surface modification by improved alkali-heat treatment induces apatite formation in simulated body fluid (SBF), In vitro cell culture experiment results reveal that osteoblasts will spread and proliferate on the surface of modified specimens over a culture time of 7 d.


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