


提出并研究盐酸浸出?铁粉置换?硫化沉淀?喷雾热解综合利用窑渣铁精矿的新工艺。结果表明:当盐酸浓度为6 mol/L,浸出温度为60℃时,Ag、Pb、Cu、Fe和Zn的浸出率分别达到99.95%、99.34%、95.07%、89.44%和57.92%。所得盐酸浸出液中加入理论量1.25倍的铁粉,Cu和Ag的脱除率均可达到98%以上。当硫化亚铁用量为理论量的3倍时,铁粉置换后液中Pb、Zn的脱除率可达96%以上,净化后液中杂质总量低于500 mg/L。以硫化沉淀后的液体为原料进行喷雾热解,在温度高于700℃时,可制得平均粒度(D 50)为12μm、纯度>99%的类球形Fe2O3粉末。利用这一工艺,不仅可高效回收窑渣铁精矿中的有价金属,还可将铁资源转化为具有较高附加值的氧化铁产品,从而实现窑渣铁精矿的综合利用。

A novel process, including hydrochloric acid leaching, iron powder replacing, sulphide precipitation and spray pyrolysis, was proposed to treat iron concentrate recovered from zinc kiln slag for comprehensive utilization. Treated by solution of 6 mol/L hydrochloric acid at 60℃, the leaching rates of Ag, Pb, Cu, Fe and Zn reach 99.95%, 99.34%, 95.07%, 89.44% and 57.92%, respectively. More than 98% Cu and Ag are recovered from the leach liquor when stoichiometric ratio of iron powder is 1.25 times of the theoretical value. More than 96% Pb and Zn is removed with three times of theoretical consumption of FeS, and the concentration of impurities of the final solution is less than 500 mg/L. Fe2O3 powder, which is spherical with mean size of 12 um and purity of 99%, is prepared with final solution at above 700℃. By this process, not only the metal values can be recovered effectively, but also the iron resources of zinc kiln slag can be converted into Fe2O3 with high purity, thus, the comprehensive utilization of iron concentrate recovered from zinc kiln slag can be realized.


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