本文探明了在碱性介质中绿柱石和脉石矿物的主要活化因素Ca~(2+)与抑制因素CO_3~(2-)的关系,克服了矿泥及硬水中“难免离子”对浮选的不良影响,从而制定了能在不同的天然河水中浮选各种绿柱石或锂辉石矿石及其复合矿石的流程.全部过程无脱泥洗矿或特殊处理,药剂来源容易,价格便宜,流程简单,适应性强,灵活性大. 工业试验证明:采用该流程选别含0.3%BeO的绿柱石矿石,可得含9.2—10.8%BeO的铍精矿,回收率88—80%;选别含0.055%BeO和0.93%Li_2O的绿柱石-锂辉石复合矿石,可分别获得铍精矿品位8.5%BeO,回收率69%,锂精矿品位6.0%Li_2O,回收率88%,现已成功地应用于选厂生产实践.
The selective floatation of beryl, especially its separation from spodumenite,has been investigated. For floatation of beryl and separation from gangue mineralsin alkaline medium, the reasonable adjustment between the activating factor, Ca~(2+),and the depressing factors, such as CO_3~(2-) etc., was ascertained. Thus, the unfavour-able effects of "unavoidable ions" in slurry and in hard water on floatationwere remarkably eliminated. As a result, it is developed a "flow-sheet of selectivefloatation of beryl and its separation from spodumenite" which is entirely possibleto floate beryl or spodumenite and even their complex ores with various naturalwaters. This seems to be advantageous to no washing for deslime or other specialtreatments, easy supply of reagents, less expansive, as well as simple, adaptableand flexible operation. Commercial tests verified that beryl concentrate assaying9.2-10.8% BeO with recovery of 88-80% has been yielded from ore containing 0.3%BeO, and also that beryl or spodumenite concentrate assaying 8.5% BeO or 6.0%Li_2O with recovery of 69% or 88% respectively from a complex ore containing0.055% BeO and 0.93% Li_2O. The flow-sheet has been carried into industrial millswith great success.
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